Film History

  • First film (Paper)

    First film (Paper)
    The first paper film was created in 1885 by George Eastman.A first creation was a very key point to the history of film which later helps film expand.Although it was the first one for ilm there was another camera that was built in the early 1800's.
  • Cinematography

    During the 1890's there was many different types of cameras that were invented.Cinematography is the moment of pictures with film.Some examples of cameras that helped develop cinematography in the 1890's is, The Kinetoscope,and The Mutoscope.
  • First Ever Movie was Created

    First Ever Movie was Created
    Although it is a very short movie it is the fist, directed and produced by Edwin S porter.With the time era and movies not being big they did not have a big cast, they only had 12 people.But the production was my Edison who basically stated all the movie stuff.Almost everyone today know who Thomas Edison island known for his advancement in technology.
  • Color Testing for movies

    Color Testing for movies
    The first movie with color in it is called "The Gulf Between."This is very important to add colors to movies because I makes the movie a lot better, and more interesting to watch. Without a question people would rather watch a movie that had color in it over a black and white movie.
  • Sound film

    Sound film
    Sound film is a motion picture with sound added to it.The first film with sound film was called "The Jazz Singer."Which ended up as a good movie which is why sound film is thought of today,and was continued.
  • Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz
    The Wizard of Oz is the first movie to have color throughout the whole movie.Many people think that it is the best movie ever.But would it be if it didn't have color?No every movie is better when color is added to it, because color catches the viewers eye where black and white is plain and boring.
  • The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    The Golden Age was in Hollywood and it's peak was in 1940.Many of the large studios such as Disney,Twenith Century Fox, etc. were the biggest largest studios.All of the big name studios would create at least on film per week.Which is a very big amount a week if they kept that past up they would produce over 50 every year.
  • TV Industry Threatens the Movie Industry

    TV Industry Threatens the Movie Industry
    In the 1950's TV threatened them by the T.V becoming an item where they could watch at home.Who would want to have to go out and watch something when you could stay cozy at home and watch whatever.
  • Violence is in movies

    Violence is in movies
    The wild bunch was the first movie to feature violence.Back then people did not think to put bad stuff like violence into a movie, but now it is very common.Many people like violent movies, but when the first one came out many people were not for it at all.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    Star Wars expanded movies to different genres other than Drama. Also ,it was the first movie that was not on earth and included space and other planets.Star Wars is a very known all over the world and they hold many peoples favorite movie.Overall Star Wars really added another genre int movies.
  • Dr.Dolittle

    Dr.Dolittle was the first movie that made the animals speak.During all the other movies the animals would not talk, but this is the first film to have the animals talk.This is important to film history because I created another reason for the audience to go watch the movie and made it more interesting. Also ,it would cause many kids to want to go see the movie, and even some adults so the amount of money made off of the movie would increase since more tickets were being sold for the movie.
  • Transition from Film to Digital

    Transition from Film to Digital
    Overall now almost every movie being created uses digital.Digital is so much easier and is not something physical that you have to keep up with.Also ,digital is much easier to use than film is.