The History of Filming
It all started with a bet
English man were watching their horses run like usually and then one of the made a $25,000 bet saying that horses have all of their four feet above the ground at the same time at one point. They decided to test it by taking pictures of the horses each second while they ran. They were all amazed when they saw that all the pictures together made an illusion making it seem as if the horse were running. Thats how stop and motion got all started. -
Thomas Edison comes in the picture
Thomas Eidson came in the picture and created the Kinetiscope wich was bacially watching a 6 second video called "Moving Images. By making them only visible to one person who was making more money. -
(small theaters that featured short dramatic skills, comedy routines and songs and dance numbers) These were plays that you had to pay a nickle for to watch. They would only last a couple of minutes till the audience booed them off. -
These were plays that eventually became as a TV channel but back in the day people would pay nickles for every play so it got named "Nicklelodeon". -
Thomas Edison had found a way to create a projector but he never took it out in the public because it wouldve made him loose money. The French Lumiere Brothers later invented a projector so everyone could be able to watch the movie. They called it, Cinemetography. -
The first narrative Movie
The first narrative movie was from one of Edisons empoyer wich was called, " The Great Train Robbery" and it lasted 12 minutes, this was called an "Epic". People were so amazed since they were so used to watching 10 second movies. -
When Nicklelodeon got big Thomas Edison deiced to create a Monopoly wich meant he owned everything, He owened studios, cameras and ever actors. If he found out that someone was making a movie behind his back he would go with his group and they would break their equipment. -
The Early Days
Unlike New York the East side of California had the perfect weather and sun so everyone went to California to film movies. Also because if Thomas Edison was on them then they could easily run away to Mexico. -
Thomas Edison didnt like the idea of his actors names being plubished because he was scared that the actors would then think that they're famous and that they would demand more money. But on the east coast the indepent movie studios believed that their actors should be famous so they could attract more people ndepent movie studios in California believed that actors should be famous so they made them do hand and footprints on the floor while Edison believed that all actors shouldnt be famous. -
Charlie Choplin
Charlie Choplin was one of the best actors in history. He was the first 20th century super star. By the end of 1917 he was making over a million dollars a year.