Eadward Muybridge
Muybridge to pictures using static cameras to prove all four legs of a horse leave the ground at the same time (Sallie Gardner). -
Claimed to be the inventor of cinema. He constructed camera (or ''photographic gun'') that could take 12 photographs a second of moving animals or humans (called ''chronophotography'') -
William Kennedy Laurie Dickson
Devised a motor powered camera that could photograph motion pictures, called Kinetograph -
Black Maria
the first american movie studiowas built on the grounds of Edison's laboratories in West Orange, New Jersey -
Fred Ott's Sneeze
first film officially registered for copyright -
The Holland Brothers
opened the first Kinetoscope Parlor in New York City, and for the first time they comercially exibited movies in amusement arcades -
Charles Francis Jenkins
first person to project a filmed motion picture onto a screen for an audience. also the first motion picture in color -
Young Griffo v. Battling Charles Barnett
first movie in the world to be screened for a paying audience -
Lumiere Brothers
called the "fathers of modern film". created the cinematographe and had it patened -
The Pathe-Freres Company
founded in Paris by Charles and Emile Pathe. By the next decade it became the largest producer of films in the world -
The Kiss
first film ever made of a couple kissing. brought on request for censorship and first film to be criticized as scandulous -
Alice Guy (Blache)
first female movie director -
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight
longest film out at the time (100 minutes) -
The First Nickelodeon
opened in Pittsburg by Harry Davis shoowing The Great Train Robbery -
The Story of the Kelly Gang
first continuous, full length narrative feature film -
The Warner Brothers
they founded the Duquesne Amusement Supply Company, the first film exchange in the US. -
D.W. Griffith
the ''father of film'' joined The American Mutoscope and Biograph Company in New York as a director -
Movie Palaces
replaced nickelodeons.held masses of people and charged 10 to 15 cent a person -
White New York Sleeps
one of the first films to understand that ''sex sells'' -
''B & K''
established the first air conditioned theaters in Chicago at Central Park Theater