History of film

  • First Motion Picture

    First Motion Picture
    Eadweard Muybridge capture motion images of a horse galloping to prove that all 4 of a horses hooves.To be off the ground at a certain point. He wanted to show that the horses do that because he had made a duel with someone.
  • First Motion Picture Camera

    First Motion Picture Camera
    By 1892 Edison and Dickson invented a motion picture camera and a peephole viewing device called the Kinetoscope. They were first shown publicly in 1893 and the following year. The first Edison films were exhibited commercially.
  • The Lumiere Brothers

    The Lumiere Brothers
    The Lumiere brothers built a Cinematographe. First motion-picture apparatus, used as both camera and a projector.The invention of Louis and Auguste Lumiere, manufacturers of photographic materials of Lyon.
  • The first Movie

    The first Movie
    Edwin Porter created the first movie that was 12 minutes long which was long for them. The name of the movie was the great train robbery that help more movie come out and better. since it was so new to them at the time it was.
  • Vaudeville and Nickelodeon

    Vaudeville and Nickelodeon
    Vaudeville was a small theater that showed short skits. In between them they would show a short movie. they called it nickelodeon because it only cost a nickel to watch bake then.
  • Thomas Edison & The MPPC

    Thomas Edison & The MPPC
    Thomas Edit created the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC). They wanted to own all motion pictures they would do everything to keep it like that just so they can get money.They had taking about all the things needed to make movie from people just to keep it like that.
  • The West Coast

    The West Coast
    People went to the west coast just to get away from the MPPC. the people went to the west coast so they can make movie and get money for it.If they had still been where the MPPC where's they would had to give up all they thing to stop making movie. The weather was nicer to make the films and it was called the Hollywoodland.
  • Talkies

    Talkies were the first motion pictures to have sound. At first they didn't know what was going on they think it was just the song but it wants't. Everyone thought that it wouldn't work or just fail, but it was massive hit.
  • Silent Films are History

    Silent Films are History
    The silent films of the early era that were without synchronized sound. From the earliest film around 1891 until 1927 like Jazz Singer in the year 1927.
  • Color

    Before 1932, when three-strip Technicolor was introduced, commercialized subtraction processes used only two color. the color was red, green sometimes blue but it made people sick from the colors.
  • Hollywood

    At first it was hollywoodland but now it's just called Hollywood. the first blockbuster movie to come out of Hollywood was Jaws, and that came out in 1975. That when more and more blockbuster to come out like star wars,Transformers, Jurassic Park and more.
  • CGI

    CGI is a thing to make it look like something is there but in reality it's just a green screen to put things in the movies.Lots more movie have CGI now because it's just make the movie better to watch.
  • Digital

    Movies were starting to turn from film to digital because it was easier to make and move from plans to plans. Film also made to much noise so it was easier to just watch the movie without the noises.