
  • The beginning...

    The beginning...
    First camera was partially successfully built in 1816.
    Paper film was developed in 1885
  • The Lumiere Brothers

    The Lumiere Brothers
    The Lumiere Brothers - from France - did what Edison would not do
    In 1895 created a projector that would show motion pictures on a screen to an audience.
    They were really really really short
  • Who was behind it all?

    Who was behind it all?
    Thomas Edison
    Edison’s company has devised the peephole kinetoscope and was making some money off selling them to parlors
    Why not find a way to project it for more people to see?
  • Early Days

    Early Days
    By 1910 Nickelodeons were averaging around 26 million viewers a week
    The potential was there for making money
    Best way to ensure the most profits? Create a monopoly
    Who created the monopoly over motion pictures?
  • The Blockbuster Era

    The Blockbuster Era
    Thanks to the success of JAWS (1975) blockbuster film era began
    Big tentpole films began showing in the summer to box office success
    Other box office hits… Star Wars, Alien, etc.
    In the 80s/90s computer generated images (CGI) began to incorporated into films
  • How it started

    Film is an illusion
    Frame rate?
    Devices were invented to watch “moving pictures”
    Downside - only one person per device.
  • The Bet...

    Eadweard Muybridge and his friends made a bet…
    A horse galloping could have all four feet off the ground at the same point in time
    $25000 to prove who was right and who was wrong
    How could they prove this?