
  • frist camera made

    frist camera made
    the first camera is made. this is the start of the evolution of film. it works by casting a shadow and then a person comes and traces the shadow.
  • paper film made

    paper film made
    the first ever paper film is made. the film was use to capture the images to " show " to others. it was the first step toward films.
  • frist projector made

    frist projector made
    thomas eddison made one also, but didn't show it to the public. was really, really, REALLY short, ( about 10-20 seconds long. ), this way large amounts of people can see the film at once, as of before only one person could see at a time.
  • frist movie

    frist movie
    the first total movie that told a complete story has been made. is 12 minuets long. it was so surprising to the people that they thought the train in the film was real and panicked, causing many injuries.
  • frist movie with sound

    frist movie with sound
    this new movies were dubbed as "talkies" and quickly took over the film world. at first, the makers of these " talkies " were not sure that these film would succeed, as to the fact that many people were accustomed with the silent versions.
  • no more silent movies

    no more silent movies
    the silent movies stopped being produced around 1937-1940. due to the popularity of the "talkies" the silent film rapidly stopped being produced, putting many people into unemployment.
  • frist color film

    frist color film
    frist color film was made in 1939. the films prior were only in black and white, or tones of grey. the color films brought a whole new perspective into the movies industry.
  • blockbuster era

    blockbuster era
    started with the film "JAWS" in 1975, the blockbuster era was a era of really great movies ( of the time ) , that only got put out during the summer, and many people enjoyed it, and the film business flourished.
  • CGI

    CGI becomes widely used in films in 1980/1990, as you could now have anything you could dream of, and dream they did. many famous movies today are made with CGI.
  • film to digital

    film to digital
    started moving from the old film to the new digital film because digital is more convenient, as it is lighter, cheaper, and less noisy. we use digital today, but even still the old-fashioned find is extremely better in quality.