Cinema movie camera side view template vector 20997751

Film Events

  • Film Camera (1888)

    Film Camera (1888)
    In 1888, the first film camera was developed. Thomas Edison invented the film camera to make money for films. The camera was not accurate at the time and was slow to catch action.
  • The Bet (1890)

    The Bet (1890)
    In 1890, Edward Muybridge created the film "The Horse in Action". He and his friends made a bet about the horse in the film: A horse galloping could have all four feet off the ground at the same point in time. The reward: $25,000 to prove who was right and who was wrong. How could they prove this?
  • The First Narrated Movie (1903)

    The First Narrated Movie (1903)
    In 1903, Edwin Porter, an employee of Edison, created "The Great Train Robbery". It is the first narrated movie in film history. The movie lasted for 12 minutes and 14 scenes total.
  • Nickelodeons

    In 1910, Nickelodeons had an average of 26 million viewers a week. The purpose was to make money to create films. Nickelodeons created a monopoly to ensure the most profit. Edison and several other companies formed the Motion Picture Patents Company, a trust in film. The MPPC set the price for anything, and they make you to pay if you want to make one. In order to escape the MPPC's grasp, Independent Studios fled to California.
  • Talkies (1920)

    Talkies (1920)
    In 1920, filmmakers created films that have sounds, they are called "Talkies". Later that same decade, the technology was used to add sounds in films. Everything became talkies. The Jazz Singer was the first known sound film.
  • Color Films (1939)

    Color Films (1939)
    In 1930, films are known to have started using colors. The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind, both in 1939, used colors in film.
  • Fantasia (1940)

    Fantasia (1940)
    In 1940, the film Fantasia, the first known film to have color and sound, was released. This film saw the comeback of Mickey Mouse.
  • Hollywood Blockbuster films (1950)

    Hollywood Blockbuster films (1950)
    In 1950, Hollywood began to expand and grow and grow into blockbuster films. The first known blockbuster film in that decade was Peter Pan, which was released in 1953.
  • Continued Blockbuster Films (1965)

    Continued Blockbuster Films (1965)
    In 1965, Hollywood released another blockbuster film, "The Sound of Music". The film became a popular blockbuster film in Hollywood history.
  • Blockbuster Films (1975)

    Blockbuster Films (1975)
    In 1975, Jaws was released, and the blockbuster films era began. The film Jaws began showing in the summer and became a success. Other blockbuster films like Star Wars were released in 1977.