Figueroa WWll

  • Kristallnacht "the night of broken glass"

    Kristallnacht "the night of broken glass"
    Thousands of Jewish businesses and synagogues were damaged. 100 jews killed, 26,000 sent to concentration camps. Jews were fined for all the damage.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The begining of WWll. Also known as the September Campaign. Germany had invaded Poland.
  • Battle of River Plate

  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    This war was in United Kingdom. Germans invaded Britain
  • El Alamein

    El Alamein
    Allied victory secures oil shipping routes
  • Siege of Leningrad

    Siege of Leningrad
    The city was besieged by Nazi Germany. Many city residents were dead because of the oil exhausted which meant the city had no central heating. 1,000,000 died of hunger and cold.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    Germans code was Operation Typhoon. Moscow was Russia's capital and with them collapsing whole Russia would as well and Hitler would gain more power.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan had attacked America.
  • The fall of Singapore

    The fall of Singapore
    Greatest defeat of British Army.
  • The Doolittle Raid

    The Doolittle Raid
    American bombers attacked Tokyo. Did not do major damage. Did give Americans something to celebrate. Did cause Japan's leaders to worry and make future blunders.
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    Battle of Coral Sea
    Chester Nimitz was the Pacific fleet commander. Sent the Pacific fleet's 2 aircraft carriers that were not present at the attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of Gazala

    Battle of Gazala
    Fought in Tobruk, Libya. Also called Operation Crusader.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    Took U.S. six months to defeat Japan.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    A major battle where Germany and Soviet Union fought for control over Stalingrad. It is one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    invasion of N. Africa; 1st time time U.S. toops see action
  • Invasion of Sicily

    Invasion of Sicily
    Allies took Sicily from the Axis powers.
  • D Day

    D Day
    Invasion in Normandy, France. This invasion was one ot the largest amphibious military assaults in history and required extensive planning. Was called to be the beginning of the end of war in Europe
  • Battle of the Philippine Sea

    Battle of the Philippine Sea
    Fifth and last major carrier-vs-carrier battle of the Pacific War.
  • Battle of Brittany

    Battle of Brittany
    Allied forces were able to gain control of German held beaches in Normandy, France began their liberation of western Europe
  • Battle of Arnhem

    Battle of Arnhem
    Victory for the Germans. Moffat Burriss was the commander of the Americans and half of his men died crossing the bridge.
  • Battle of Bulge

    Battle of Bulge
    Germans created a large bulge in Allied lines, but the offensive eventually failed. Hitler would not give up!
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Fought between Ameica and Japan. The code for this war was Operation Detachment. U.S. had 70,000 soldiers and Japanese Forces had 22,060 soldiers.
  • FDR Dies

    FDR Dies
    FDR dies suddenly and vice president , Harry Truman takes over
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Red Army pushed across Poland and out numbered Germans by a lot.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    The day after his wedding him and his wife commit suicide and Hitler's body is burned.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Germany has surrendered and we the war has ended.
  • Surrender of Japan

    Surrender of Japan
    This finally brought WWll to an end.