Fight between Israel, Líbano and Palestina

  • the First Zionist Congress

    The Zionist movement, founded by Theodor Herzl and other leaders, advocated the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Widespread anti-Semitism and the persecution of Jewish communities in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries served as a major catalyst for the Zionist movement.
    the jewish they faced discrimination, violence and massacres.
  • The war of the independence of Israel

    After Israel declared its independence, there was an invasion by neighboring Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The war resulted in the survival and expansion of Israeli territory, which successfully defended itself from the invasion of Arab countries.
  • Creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization

    The Palestinian Liberation Organization was founded in 1964 during an Arab League summit in Cairo, Egypt, to represent Palestinian aspirations for the destruction of Israel.
    The PLO later adopted armed struggle, terrorism and, later, diplomacy as a means to achieve its objectives.
    The beginning of the PLO marked the creation and formalization of the Palestinian national movement
  • Lebanon´s first war

    The First Lebanon War, also known as the 1982 Lebanon War, was a military conflict between Israel and various Lebanese factions, primarily the PLO.
    Israel's objective was to withdraw PLO armed forces from southern Lebanon, which had attacked Israel.
    The conflict became a controversial participation in Lebanon by Israel.
  • The peace Treaty between Jordan and Israel

    The peace treaty between Jordan and Israel is an agreement between Jordan and Israel that recognizes sovereignty, establishes its international borders, promotes security and economic cooperation.
    This agreement made Jordan the second Arab country after Egypt to normalize its relationship with Israel.