Castro Takes Over Cuba
Cuba becomes the first communist country in the Western Hemisphere. Fidel Castro, a 32 year old lawyer leads Rebels to overcome Batista and the Cuban Government. -
Bay Of Pigs
Cuba attacked by American rebels at the Bay Of Pigs. The American side looses the battle after 3 days of fighting. Later on, JFK admits to supporting the idea and starts a rivalry between the two countries. -
US Embargo
US starts to block trade with Cuba. This lasts several years. A major effect on Cuba because US has main trade. -
Nuclear Agrrements
Castro agrees to let the USSR position nuclear missiles on Cuba, 90 miles from the American coast. With the US upset, they end up making an agreement with the USSR that stated theat they would take of the nuclear missiles off Cuba if the US took their nuclear missiles off Turkey. -
Supporting the USSR
Cuba supports the USSR invasion in Afghanastan and send troops into Angola and Etheopia to try and start a civil war. -
Cuban Diplomat Fires Gun
Cuban Diplomat fires a gun in the streets of London, injuring one man. Havana claimed that he was being followed by CIA agents trying to make him defect or betray his country. The man injuried was not a CIA agent but actually a member of the British social services.