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Josip Broz Tito

By MIs100
  • When was borned

    When was borned
    Osip Broz Tito was born on May 7, 1892 in Kumrovec, present-day Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in an area called Zagorje
  • Going to war

    Going to war
    In 1913 he was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army and reached the rank of sergeant major.
  • By the hair

    By the hair
    In 1915 he was assigned to Galicia, in central Europe, to fight against Russia.12 While in Bukovina, a shell from a howitzer wounded his shoulder blade in March of that year.
  • Going to prision

    Going to prision
    In the following years, Tito organized different demonstrations and had important political participation, which cost him to be in jail from 1928 to 1934.
  • Start the resistance

    Start the resistance
    On April 10, the Politburo of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia met in the capital and decided to start the resistance, appointing Tito as Head of the Military Committee of the CPY shortly after (June 27, 1941).
  • The first move

    The first move
    On June 22 of the same year, a group of 49 men attacked a German military train near Sisak; thus began the first anti-fascist uprisings in Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia.
  • LIberating the country

    LIberating the country
    On July 4, Tito made a public call for armed resistance against the Nazi-fascist occupation. As the supreme commander of the Partisan People's Liberation and Separation Army of Yugoslavia, the partisans were the protagonists of a major guerrilla campaign. and began to liberate parts of the territory.
  • Becoming oficially head of the state

    Becoming oficially head of the state
    In November 1945, Tito's Republicans of the Popular Front, led by the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, won the elections with an overwhelming majority.
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    On April 5, 1945, Tito signed an agreement with the Soviet Union allowing "temporary entry of Soviet troops into Yugoslav territory." Aided by the Red Army, the partisans won the war against the Nazi armies in 1945
  • The end

    The end
    Josip Broz Tito died on May 4, 1980