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Fidel Castro

  • Birth

    Fidel Castro was born August 13, 1926, near Biran, Cuba. His father’s name is Angel Castro y Argiz. His full name is Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz.
  • Law of the University

    In 1945 he entered the School. It was the Law of the University of Havana. Organized violent gangs sought to advance a mixture of romantic goals, political aims, and personal careers.
  • Invation of the Dominican Republic

    In 1947 he joined an abortive attempt by Dominican exiles and Cubans to invade the Dominican Republic and overthrow Gen.
  • Santiago de Cuba

    An attack on the Santiago de Cuba army barracks on July 26, 1953. The movement began in 1955 when castro went to mexico to form a disciplined guerilla force. The leaders of the movement remaining in Cuba to carry out sabotage and political activities were Frank País, Armando Hart, and Enrique Oltuski.
  • Fidel released

    Fidel and Raul Castro are released as part of a general amnesty for political prisoners. They go into exile in Mexico. While in Mexico, they meet Argentine physician Che Guevara.
  • Guerrilla war fair

    On December 2, 1956, Castro and 82 other rebels land at Playa Las Coloradas in Granma yacht. Cuban army easily outnumbers and rout rebels, but 12 survivors regroup in Serena mountains where they launch a guerrilla war.
  • Castro enters Havana

    On January 8, 1959 Castro enters Havana after triumphal journey across Cuba. As supreme “Comandante” of the armed forces, he begins the political, economic and social transformation of Cuba, launching agrarian reform and nationalizing most foreign and local businesses.
  • Cuba provokes standoff

    On October 1962 Missile Crisis. Presence of Soviet warheads in Cuba provokes standoff between Moscow and Washington. Many fear nuclear war, but Soviet Union decides to withdraw missiles after President John F. Kennedy imposes naval blockade.
  • Letter

    In March 2016 Fidel, who seldom had been seen in public in recent years, made a high-profile appearance in print when he responded to U.S. Pres. Barack Obama’s historic visit to Cuba with a 1,600-word letter in Granma. In the letter, titled “Brother Obama,” he recapped the aggressive U.S. policy toward Cuba during the Cold War and castigated Obama.
  • Death

    He was an immigrant from spain and in April a frail soon-to-be-90-year-old Castro told the Communist Party Congress that he would be dying soon, and he implored party members to work to fulfill his communist vision for Cuba. Fidel castro died November 25, 2016. He was 90 when he died.