fffa history

  • 1933

    Blue corduroy jacket is adopted
    as official dress
  • 1935

    Active FFA membership exceeded 100,000
  • 1939

    First FFA owned National headquarters land
  • 1944

    138,548 FFA members served in WW11
  • 1947

    FFA weed established during the week of George Washington bday
  • 1948

    Record jump in
    membership from
    238,269 in 1947 to
  • 1950

    president harry Truman granted federal charter to FFA
  • 1952

    the 1st issue of the national
    future farmer
    magazine was oublished
  • 1959

    first national leadership training
    conference held
  • 1965

    New Farmers of america merges with the FFA
  • 1969

    FFA opens membership to girls
  • 1971

    National FFA alumni is founded