FFA Timeline

  • 1939

    First FFA owned headquarters land purchased
  • 1944

    Future Farmers of Agriculture is formed in Washington D.C
  • 1947

    First National FFA Band performance
  • 1948

    First National FFA Chorus performance
  • 1950

    President Harry Truman granted federal charter to FFA
  • 1952

    Code of Ethnics adopted the issue of the national Future Farmers Magazine was published
  • 1959

    First national leadership training conference
  • 1969

    FFA Membership is opened for girls
  • 1971

    National Alumini is Founded
  • 1973

    Official dress standards are created
  • 1974

    Fred McClure from the Texas FFA association
  • 1976

    Julie Smiley from Washington is named the first female to hold national office