FFA Timeline

  • The National Vocational Education Act

    1- The Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act
    2- Smith & Hughes were both Georgia Congressman that established agriculture courses
  • 1925

    1- Virginia Tech Ag Teachers (Henry Groseclose, Harry Sanders, Edmund C. Magill, Walter S. Newman)
    2- Discussed an organization involving agriculture for boys
    3- Future Farmers of Virginia served as the model for the Future Farmers of America (FFA)
  • 1928

    1- Future Farmers of America Established in Kansas City, MO
    2- First National Convention in Kansas City, Mo (33 Delegates, 18 states)
    3- Leslie Applegate of New Jersey was elected to be the first National FFA President
  • 1929

    1- Official Colors established (National Blue and Corn Gold)
    2- First National chapter contest launched and sponsored by the Farm Journal
    3- First Official FFA Manual of the organization was written
  • 1930

    1- Official FFa Creed adopted (Written by E.M. Tiffany)
    2- First Official Dress uniform was adopted.. (Dark blue shirt, Blue or white pants, Blue cap, Yellow tie)
    3- Delegates restrict membership to boys only
    4- First official FFA Manual was printed with a grant from the Farm Journal Press if Philadelphia, PA
  • 1933

    Blue Corduroy jacket is adopted as Official Dress
  • 1935

    1- New Farmers of America established (Organization of African American young men)
    2- Active FFA membership exceeded 100,000 members
  • 1939

    1- First FFA owned National headquarters land purchased
  • 1944

    1- Future Farmers of America Foundation is formed in Washington D.C.
    2- 138,548 FFA members served in World War II
    3- First National FFA Agriculture Proficiency Awards presented
  • 1947

    1- First national FFA Band performance at National FFA Convention
    2- FFA Weed established during the week of George Washington’s B-Day
  • 1948

    1- First National FFA chorus performance
    2- First National FFA talent contest at convention
    3- Record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300
  • 1950

    President Harry Truman granted a Federal Charter to FFA
  • 1952

    1- Code of Ethics adopted
    2- The 1st issue of the National Future Farmer Magazine was published
  • 1959

    First National Leadership Training Conference Held
  • 1965

    New Farmers of America merges with the FFA
  • 1969

    FFA opens membership to girls
    Washington Conference (now WLC) begins
  • 1971

    National FFA Alumni is founded
  • 1973

    Official dress standards are created
  • 1974

    Fred McClure from the Texas FFA Association is named the first African-American elected to National FFA Office
  • 1976

    1 Julie Smiley from WA is named the first female to hold national office
    2- Alaska becomes the last of the 50 states to obtain a national charter
  • 1988

    1- Future Farmers of America (FFA) changes its name to the National FFA Organization (To reflect the growing diversity in the ag industry)
    2- 7th and 8th grade students are allowed to become FFA members
  • 1996

    The official website for the FFA debuts (www.ffa.org)
  • 1999

    1- 72nd National FFA Convention is held in Louisville, Ky
    2- First national creed speaking event held (Michael Von Winkle of the Arkansas FFA Assoc. Wins)
  • 2003

    FFA Live” is launched on RFD TV
  • 2004

    First live webcast from ffa.org of the 77th annual National FFA Convention
  • 2005

    1- National FFA launched Seeds of Hope, a fundraising campaign to rebuild Gulf Coast states’ agriculture education and FFA programs following Hurricane Katrina
    2- FFA foundation breaks the $10 million mark in raising money for FFA programs and services
  • 2006

    1- The 79th National FFA Convention is held in Indianapolis for the first time, with 54,589 in attendance
    2- The FFA Foundation announces its first $1 million contribution to the Ford Motor Company
  • 2007

    1- The FFA Merchandise Center opens in Indianapolis
    2- FFA membership exceeds the half-million mark with 500,823 members in 7,358 chapters
  • 2009

    FFA celebrates 40 years of women in the organization
  • 2014

    5 FFA jackets are added to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History
  • 2019

    Student membership hits an all-time high with 700,170 members in 8,612 chapters