Smith-Hughes Act
The Smith-Hughes Act provides funding to states for vocational education courses. -
Creed and dress
Official FFA Creed written by E.M. Tiffany is adopted.
First Official Dress uniform is adopted: dark blue shirt, blue or white pants, blue cap and yellow tie.
Delegates restrict membership to boys only.
First official FFA manual is printed. -
The blue jacket
Blue corduroy jacket is adopted as official dress. A group of FFA officers and members travel to Washington, D.C. where they are greeted on the White House lawn by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
Durring world war II
During World War II when tens of thousands of FFA members are serving in the armed services, national FFA conventions are streamlined events where only delegates and award winners attend. In 1942, just 217 people attend the convention. -
bill is passed
A bill is passed by the 81st Congress of the United States that grants FFA a federal charter and specifies that a U.S. Department of Education staff member be the national FFA advisor. On Aug. 30, President Harry S. Truman signs the bill, and it becomes Public Law 81-740. -
First issue of The National Future Farmer magazine is published -
The U.S. Post Office Department issues a special postage stamp to celebrate the 25th anniversary of FFA -
FFA convention
President Dwight D. Eisenhower is the first U.S. president to speak at a national FFA convention -
Alexandria, Va
National FFA Center is dedicated in Alexandria, Va., on land that had originally been used as the national FFA camp -
The merge
New Farmers of America merges with the Future Farmers of America -
Career Show
First FFA National Agricultural Career Show s held at the national FFA convention to highlight educational and career opportunities in agriculture -
FFA opens membership to girls, making it possible for them to hold office and participate in competitive events at regional and national levels -
Ken Dunagan
First National Star in Agribusiness, Ken Dunagan from Arizona, is named -
Official dress
FFA Official Dress standards are created -
Fred McClure
Fred McClure from Texas is the first African-American elected to a national FFA office -
Julie Smiley of Washington is the first female elected to a national FFA office.
Alaska becomes the last of the 50 states to obtain a national charter -
FFA celebrates the 40th anniversary of women being admitted into FFA -
, ed. "Historical Timeline of the FFA ." . N.p.. Web. 9 Sep 2013. https://www.ffa.org/documents/about_ffatimeline.pdf.