smith hugs act
Provided federal funding for the establishment of vocational agriculture in public high schools. this is important because it supported and funded agriculture -
Henry groseclose & several other virginia tech ag educators organized FFV
Father of FFA -
FFA is established
Kansas city missouri
1st national FFA convention held
Leslie applegate NJ elected 1st national president. This is the start of a new program that would lasta long time -
official colors adopted
National blue & corn gold, 2nd national FFA convention, 33 states represented by 64 delegates,35 state associate's total with 1500 chapters & 30,000 members. to this day these colors represent the orginization -
creed adopted
E.M tiffanys creed adopted. 1st national public publicspeaking contest. 1st official dress adopted dak blue blue shirt blue or white pants blue capand yellow tie. Membership restricted to only males -
jacket adopted
Blue corduroy jacket as official dress officers & members went to the white house to meet president franklin d roosevelt -
NFA founded
New farmers of america founded in tuskegee, alabama, group of african american boys. this extended the program and brought in diversity -
1st FFA-owned national headquarter
28.5 acres near alexandria virginia part of george washington's estate. national headquarters that was shared with all of FFA -
Members join the war
138548 FFA members were serving in armed services in ww11 -
1st chorus and talant
First national chorus and talent programs held at national FFA conventionrecord jump in membership 238269 to 260300 convention attendance was so high that a folding cot hotel was established -
Harry s truman signs bill
Public law 18-750 grants FFA federal charter, specifying a US dept of education staff member be the national FFA advisor -
Magazine published
The national future farmer magazine is first issued -
NFA merger
Nfa merges with ffa increasing total membership by more than 50000 delegates vote to increase membership dues from 10 cents to 50 cents allowing all members to recive official magazine -
Femak members
Females can hold office and participate in competitive events -
Alumni established
National FFA alumni associates is established