Period: to
FFA Timeline
This timespan lists the events that have taken place in FFA history. -
The Act
The United States Congress passed the Noational Vocational ACT. It is also know as the Smith Hughes ACT which created vocational agriculture classes throughout the country. -
The Father
Henry Groseclose (Father of FFA) organized the Future Farmers of Virginia. -
The First Livestock Contest
The first vocational agriculture students participated in National Livestock judging Contests -
The Organization
33 delegates met in Kansas City, from 18 different states and formed the National FFA Organization. -
The First Convention
This was the day of the 1st National FFA Convention. -
The President
The First President of FFA was Leslie Applegate. -
The Official Colors
The National blue and corn gold adopted as official colors. -
The FFA Creed
The official FFA Creed Adopted. It was written by Erwin Milton Tiffany of Wisconsin. -
The Speaking Event
FFA held its 1st National Public Speaking event. -
The Jacket
FFA adopts the blue corduroy jacket as official dress. -
The New Farmers of America National Organization is founded. -
The Purchase
Land is purchased for the first FFA owned national headquarters. -
The Foundation
The National FFA Foundation founded. -
Proficiency Awards
The first National Proficiency Awards presented. -
The Band
The 1st National FFA Band performs at National Convention. -
The Exchange Program
The 1st International exchange program made for FFA members. -
Public Law 740
The 1st Federal Charter passed by Congress. -
The Magazine
The 1st issue of National FFA magazine "The National Future Farmer" informed students about FFA & Agriculture. -
The Code of Ethics
The FFA Code of Ethics is Adopted. -
The FFA Stamp
The 1st Commemorative FFA Stamp is issued by the US Post Office. -
The FFA Center
The Dedication of 1st National FFA Center in Alexandria, Virginia. -
The Merger
The NFA and the FFA merge together to form one group. -
The Career Show
The 1st FFA National Agricultural Career Show at National Convention. -
The New Membership
FFA Membership was opened to female students. -
The Alumni
The National FFA Alumni Association Formed. -
The Handbook
The first FFA Student handbook was published. -
The Anniversary
The Golden Anniversary Convention was held for the FFA. -
The Commerorative Marker
The commemorative marker noting site of FFA founding unveiled in Kansas City, Missouri. -
The New Name
At the National Convention, student leaders voted to change the name from Future Farmers of America to National FFA Organization. -
The New Magazine
The National Future Farmer Magazine's name is changed to FFA New Horizons. -
The New Lands
The Virgin Islands & Guam chartered as state associations. -
The New Awards
The H.O. Sargent Awards are first presented. -
The New Dedication
The Dedication of the National FFA Center in Indianapolis, Indiana was held. -
The New Destination
The National FFA Convention held for the 1st time in Lousiville, Kentucky. -
The Creed's Event
The 1st National Creed Speaking Event held. -
The Degree
The Discovery Degree became first available. -
The Entrepreneurship Awards
The 1st Entrepreneurship Awards are presented.