FFA History Timeline Dates

  • Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act

    Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act
  • Future Farmers of Virginia was established (FFV)

    Future Farmers of Virginia was established (FFV)
  • National Organization of the Future Farmers of America was former

    National Organization of the Future Farmers of America was former
  • Leslie Applegate was the First FFA President

    Leslie Applegate was the First FFA President
  • First National FFA Convention held at the Baltimore Hotel in Kansas City

    First National FFA Convention held at the Baltimore Hotel in Kansas City
  • National Blue & Corn Gold Adopted

    National Blue & Corn Gold Adopted
  • Creed Adopted

    Creed Adopted
  • Blue Corduroy Jacket Adopted

    Blue Corduroy Jacket Adopted
  • NFA Founded

    NFA Founded
  • Fairbury FFA Chartered

    Fairbury FFA Chartered
  • FFA Week Established

    FFA Week Established
  • President Truman Granted Federal Charter

    President Truman Granted Federal Charter
  • National Future Farmer Magazine

    National Future Farmer Magazine
  • First National FFA Center/Alexandria, VA

    First National FFA Center/Alexandria, VA
  • NFA merges with FFA

    NFA merges with FFA
  • FFA Opens Membership to Females

    FFA Opens Membership to Females
  • National FFA Alumni was Founded

    National FFA Alumni was Founded
  • Julie Smiley- First Female Elected to National Office

    Julie Smiley- First Female Elected to National Office
  • Jan Eberly- First Female National FFA President

    Jan Eberly- First Female National FFA President
  • FFA Changes it's name to (The National FFA Organization)

    FFA Changes it's name to (The National FFA Organization)
  • National Future Farmer Magazine changes it's name to "FFA New Horizon"

    National Future Farmer Magazine changes it's name to "FFA New Horizon"
  • Corey Flournoy First African American President

    Corey Flournoy First African American President
  • National Convention Moves from KC to Louisville, KY

    National Convention Moves from KC to Louisville, KY
  • National FFA Center Moves to Indianapolis, IN

    National FFA Center Moves to Indianapolis, IN
  • National Convention moves to Indianapolis, IN

    National Convention moves to Indianapolis, IN