ffa history

  • 1928

    the first national convention in Kansas city,mo
  • 1929

    official colors established,blue and corn gold.
  • 1930

    official ffa creed adopted written by E.M Tiffany.
  • 1935

    new farmers of america established organization of african american young men.
  • 1939

    first FFA owned National headquarters land purchased.
  • 1944

    138,548 FFA members seerved in world war ll
  • 1948

    First National FFA talent contest at convention.
  • 1950

    president Harry Truman granted a Federal charter to FFA
  • 1965

    New Farmers of America merges with FFA
  • 1969

    FFA opens membership to girls.
  • 1971

    National FFA Alumni is founded
  • 1973

    official dress standards are created.