FFA History

  • 1917 FFA History

    1917 FFA History
    Smith Hughes act established funding for vocational agriculutre high school
  • Future farmers club

    Future farmers club
    virginia was the first state to have future farmers clubs for boys
  • national orginization

    national orginization
    FFA becomes a national orginization for boys
  • NFA

    NFA was formed for black students in the south
  • few students

    few students
    FFA became one of a few student orginzations to recicve a federal charter from congress (public law 740)
  • Mereged

    FFA & NFA merged
  • Girls were allowed

    Girls were allowed
    Girls were allowed in FFA for the first time
  • name changed

    name changed
    name changed from future famers of america to nationl FFA orginization to reflect the growing diversity in the agriculture industry in the agriculture industry
  • National Convenion

    National Convenion
    National convenion completes 7 year run in Indianapolis & returnd ti lousiville Kentucky in 2013 for 3 years.