FFA History

  • 1933

    The Blue Corduray Jacket was adoted as offical dress
  • 1935

    New Farmers of America established
    Organization of African American young men
    Active FFA membership exceeded 100,000 members
  • 1948

    First National FFA chorus performance
    First National FFA talent contest at convention
    Record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300
  • 1950

    President Harry Truman granted a Federal Charter to FFA.
  • 1969

    FFA opens membership to girls
  • 1971

    National FFA Alumni is founded
  • 1974

    Fred McClure from the Texas FFA Association is named the first African-American elected to National FFA Office
  • 1976

    Julie Smiley from WA is named the first female to hold national office
    Alaska becomes the last of the 50 states to obtain a national charter
  • 1988

    Future Farmers of America (FFA) changes its name to the National FFA Organization
    To reflect the growing diversity in the ag industry
    7th and 8th grade students are allowed to become FFA members
  • 1996

    The official website for the FFA debuts
  • 2005

    National FFA launched Seeds of Hope, a fundraising campaign to rebuild Gulf Coast states’ agriculture education and FFA programs following Hurricane Katrina
    FFA foundation breaks the $10 million mark in raising money for FFA programs and services
  • 2006

    The 79th National FFA Convention is held in Indianapolis for the first time, with 54,589 in attendance
    The FFA Foundation announces its first $1 million contribution to the Ford Motor Company