Smith-Hughes Vactional Education Act
Establishing agriculture classes in school -
Agriculture education teacher educators Henry Groseclose ('Father of FFA'), Harry Sanders, Walter Newman, and Edmund Magil organized the Future Farmers of Virgin. -
Future Farmers of America born
The 1st FFA President was Leslie Applegate. First Natonal Convention was held in Kansas City and there was 33 members at the convention. First sectionalgathering of New Farmers state association. -
National Blue and Corn Gold were adopted as the official FFA Colors. -
Delegates Restricted Membership to only boys. Official Creed Adopted and also the Official Dress was adopted, which consisted of dark blue shirt, blue or white pants, blue cap, and yellow tie. -
Blue corduroy jacket adopted as FFA Official Dress. Group of FFA Officers and members made a pilgramige to Washington D.C., where they were greeted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House. -
Membership breaks 100,000 and the NFA ( New Farmers of America) which consisted of African-Americans was formed. -
Early 1940's
This was the time of the war, so membership rules changed so the Armed Force did not count againsted years of elgibility. Only award winners and delegates attended the convention. 138,548 FFA Members served in WWII. -
President Harry Truman
Granted federal charter to FFA. Public law 740 giving FFA a Federal Charter. Staff memebers within U.S. Department server as the National FFA Advisor. -
The Merge
New Farmers of America (NFA) and Future Farmers of America (FFA) merged together and increased membership to 50,000. Dues were increased from 10-cents to 50-cents, allowing FFA members to get the The National Future Farmer magazine. -
Membership was opened up to girls and in this same year, Ken Dunagan, was named the first National Star in Agribusiness. First FFA Washington Conference held. -
FFA Changed
Future Farmers of America was changed to National FFA Organzation to reflect the growing diversity in the agriculture industry. FFA opened up to 7th and 8th graders. Agriscience Student Recognition Program introduced. -
Corey Flournoy
Elected National FFA President and the first African- American to hold national office and first urban student leader to hold this office. -
Seed of Hope
Program to Rebuilt the Gulf Coast after Katrina RFD-TV Donates $50,000 -
FFA Membership exceeds the half- million mark with 500,823 members in 7,358 charpters