FFA History

  • 1939

    The first FFA owned national headquarters land purchased.
  • 1947

    In 1947 the FFA weed estblished the weeks of George Washingtons Birthday.
  • 1948

    Record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300
  • 1950

    President Harry Truman granted a federal charter to FFA
  • 1952

    The first issue of the National Future Farmer Magazine was published in 1952
  • 1965

    In 1965 New Farmers of America merges with the FFA
  • 1969

    In 1969 the FFA opens membership to girls
  • 1971

    The National FFA Alumni is founded
  • 1973

    Officials dress standards were created
  • 1974

    In 1974 Fred McClure from the Texas FFA associtation is is named the first African-American elected to national FFA Office
  • 1976

    Julie Smiley from WA is named the first female to hold national office
  • 1944

    In 1944 the first national FFA Agriculture Proficiency awards presented.