FFA history

  • The national vocational education act

    The national vocational education act
    First national FFA band performance at national FFA convention
  • First national FFA chorus performance

    First national FFA chorus performance
    Record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300
  • more farmers come

    more farmers come
    New farmers of America merges with America
  • More people come

    More people come
    FFA opens membership to girls
  • National FFA

    National FFA
    National FFA was Alumni is founded
  • dress up

    dress up
    Official dress standards are created
  • Official website

    Official website
    The official website for the FFA debuts was created
  • live website

    live website
    First live webcast from ffa.org of the 77th annual National FFA Convection
  • raising money

    raising money
    FFA foundation breaks the $10 million mark in raising money for FFA programs and services.
  • The 79th National Convection

    The 79th National Convection
    The 79th National Convection is held in Indianapolis for the first time with 54,589 in attendance.
  • Merchandise

    The FFA merchandise center opens in Indianapolis.
  • 40th anniversary

    40th anniversary
    FFA celebrates 40 years of woman in the organization.