- The Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act.
- Smith & Hughes were both Georgia Congressman that established agriculture courses.
- Virginia Tech Ag teachers
- Discussed an organization involving agriculture for boys
- Future Farmers of Virginia served as the model for the Future Farmer of America (FFA)
- Virginia Tech Ag teachers
- Future Farmers of America established in Kansas City, MO
- First National convention in Kansas City, Mo
- Leslie Applegate of new Jersey was elected to be the first national FFA president.
- Official colors established
- First national chapter contest launched and sponsored by the farm journal
- First official FFA manual of the organization was written.
- Official FFA creed adopted
- First official dress uniform was adopted
- Delegates restrict membership to boys only
- First official FFA manual was printed with a grant from the farm journal press in Philadelphia, PA
- New farmers were established of America established
- Active FFA membership exceeded 100,000 members
- First FFA pwned national headquarters land purchased
- Future farmers of America foundation is formed in Washington D.C.
- 138,548 members served in world war ll
- first national FFA agriculture proficency awards presented
*First national FFA band performance at the national FFA convention
* FFA weed established during the week of George Washington's b-day -
- First national FFA chorus performance
- First national FFA talent contest at convention
- record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300
- president Harry Truman granted at federal charter to FFA
- president Harry Truman granted at federal charter to FFA
- code of ethics adopted