FFA History

  • 1917

    The Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act and the The Smith & Hughes were both Georgia Congressmen that established agriculture courses
  • 1925

    Virginia Ag teachers discussed an organization involving agriculture for boys. Future Farmers of Virginia served as the model for FFA
  • 1928

    FFA established in Kansas City, MO. Leslie Applegate of New Jersey was elected to be the first National FFA President.
  • 1929

    Official colors established. First Official FFA Manual of the organization was written.
  • 1930

    Official FFA Creed adopted. First official dress uniform was adopted.
  • 1933

    Blue corduroy jacket is adopted as official dress
  • 1935

    New Farmers of America established the Organization of African American young men.
  • 1939

    First FFA owned National headquarters land purchased.
  • 1944

    138,548 FFA members served in World War II
  • 1947

    FFA Week established during the week of George Washington’s BirthDay
  • 1948

    First National FFA chorus performance
  • 1950

    President Harry Truman granted a federal charter to FFA