FFA History

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    The National Vocational Education Act

    The Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act
    Smith & Hughes were both Georgia Congressman that established agriculture courses
  • Future Farmers of America

    Established in Kansas City, MO
    First National Convention in Kansas City, Mo
    33 Delegates, 18 states
    Leslie Applegate of New Jersey was elected to be the first National FFA President
  • Official FFA Creed adopted

    First Official Dress uniform was adopted..
    Dark blue shirt
    Blue or white pants
    Blue cap
    Yellow tie
    Delegates restrict membership to boys only
    First official FFA Manual was printed with a grant from the Farm Journal Press if Philadelphia, PA
  • New Farmers of America established

    Organization of African American young men
    Active FFA membership exceeded 100,000 members
  • Future Farmers of America

    138,548 FFA members served in World War II
    First National FFA Agriculture Proficiency Awards presented
  • First national FFA Band performance

    First national FFA Band performance at National FFA Convention
    FFA Weed established during the week of George Washington’s B-Day
  • First National FFA chorus performance

    First National FFA talent contest at convention
    Record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300
  • Code of Ethics adopted

    The 1st issue of the National Future Farmer Magazine was published
  • Alumni

    National FFA Alumni is founded
  • Texas FFA Association

    Fred McClure from the Texas FFA Association is named the first African-American elected to National FFA Office
  • Future Farmers of America (FFA)

    Future Farmers of America (FFA) changes its name to the National FFA Organization
    To reflect the growing diversity in the ag industry
    7th and 8th grade students are allowed to become FFA members
  • 72nd National FFA Convention

    72nd National FFA Convention is held in Louisville, Ky
    First national creed speaking event held
    Michael Von Winkle of the Arkansas FFA Assoc. Wins