FFA History

By Jaci087
  • 1969

    FFA opens membership to girls
  • 1929

    Blue and Corn Gold are official colors. First National chapter contest was sponsored by the farm
  • 1933

    Blue corduroy jacket adopted
  • 1935

    New farmers of america established. Active FFA membership exceed 100,000 members
  • 1939

    First FFA owned National headquarters land purchased.
  • 1944

    Future farmers of america Foundation is formed in Washington D.C. 138,548 FFA served in World War ll .
  • 1947

    First National FFA band performance at National FFA convention. FFA weed established during George Washington Birthday.
  • 1948

    First National FFA chorus performance.238,269 in 1947 to 260,300
  • 1950

    President Henry Turman granted a federal charter to FFA
  • 1952

    Code ethnics adopted. Future farmer magazine was published
  • 1959

    Firsts National leadership training conference held
  • 1965

    new farmers merge with the FFA