FFA History

  • 1917

    Smith and Hughes provided federal aid to the state for the purpose of promoting precollegiate vacational education in agricultural trades.
  • 1925

    The Virginia Ag teachers Henry Groseclose, Harry Sanders, Edmund C Manill, and Walter S. Newman organized the future farmers of Virginia for boys in agriculture classes.
  • 1928

    Future Farmers of America (FFA) established in Kansas city, MO. Leslie Applegate of New Jersey was elected to be the first national FFA president.
  • 1929

    Official colors of FFA national blue and corn gold were adopted. First national chapter contest launched and sponsored by the farm journal.
  • 1930

    Official FFA creed, written by E.M. Tiffany was adopted. First offical FFA manual was printed with a grant from the Farm journal Press if Philadelphia, PA
  • 1933

    Blue corduroy jacket is adopted as official dress. Federicktown Ohio members arrived at the FFA convention wearing them.
  • 1939

    First FFA national headquarters land purchased. 28.5 acres near Alexandria, Va
  • 1950

    1950 president Harry Truman signed the bill that granted the FFA federal charter and it became public law 81-740
  • 1965

    New farmers of America merged with the FFA. Increading the membership by more than 50,000
  • 1971

    FFA Alumni is founded.
  • 1973

    Dress standards are created
  • 1996

    The official FFA website is made public.