FFA timeline

  • Period: to


    E.M Tiffany adopted the creed
  • 1933

    The blue corduroy jacket was adopted
  • 1939

    First FFA owned in national headquarters land purchased
  • 1948

    First chorus performance and talent show
  • 1961

    the new farmers of america merged with the FFA
  • 1971

    the official dress code is created
  • 1971

    the national alumni is founded
  • 1974

    Fred McClure fro the Texas FFA association was named the first African american elected in FFA
  • 1976

    Julie smiles the office in Alaska to obtain the national charter
  • 1988

    FFA changes the national FFA organization
  • 1996

    the website is created www.ffa.org
  • 1999

    72 ffa conventions are held and first speaking even is held
  • 2003

    Ffa live is launched o RFDTV
  • 2004

    First live webcast from ffa.org of the 77th annual nation FFA