FFA History

  • The National Vocational Education Act

    The National Vocational Education Act
    The Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act Smith & Hughes were both Georgia Congressman that established agriculture courses
  • 1925

    Virginia Tech Ag Teachers
    Henry Groseclose
    Harry Sanders
    Edmund C. Magill
    Walter S. Newman
    Discussed an organization involving agriculture for boys
    Future Farmers of Virginia served as the model for the Future Farmers of America (FFA)
  • 1933

    Blue Corduroy jacket is adopted as Official Dress
  • 1947

    First national FFA Band performance at National FFA Convention FFA Weed established during the week of George Washington’s B-Day
  • 1952

    Code of Ethics adopted
    The 1st issue of the National Future Farmer Magazine was published
  • 1965

    New Farmers of America merges with the FFA
  • 1976

    Julie Smiley from WA is named the first female to hold national office Alaska becomes the last of the 50 states to obtain a national charter
  • 1988

    Future Farmers of America (FFA) changes its name to the National FFA Organization
    To reflect the growing diversity in the ag industry
    7th and 8th grade students are allowed to become FFA members
  • 1999

    72nd National FFA Convention is held in Louisville, Ky
    First national creed speaking event held
    Michael Von Winkle of the Arkansas FFA Assoc. Wins
  • 2006

    The 79th National FFA Convention is held in Indianapolis for the first time, with 54,589 in attendance
    The FFA Foundation announces its first $1 million contribution to the Ford Motor Company
  • 2009

    FFA celebrates 40 years of women in the organization
  • 2019

    Student membership hits an all-time high with 700,170 members in 8,612 chapters