FFA History
The Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act
Smith and Hughes were both Georgia Congressman that established agriculture courses -
FFA History
Future Farmers of America Established in Kansas City, MO
First National Conversation in Kansas City, MO- 33 Delegates, 18 states
Leslie Applegate of New Jersey was elected to be the first National FFA Presdent -
FFA History
Blue Corduroy jacket is adopted as Offical Dress -
FFA History
First FFA owned National headleaders land purchaced -
FFA History
First national FFA Band performance at National FFA Convention -
FFA History
President Harry Truman granted a federal chapter to FFA -
FFA History
New farmers of America merges with the FFA -
FFA History
Official Dress Standards are created -
FFA History
The offical website for FFA debuts- www.ffa.org -
FFA History
FFA live is launched on RFD TV -
FFA History
5 FFA jackets are added to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History -
FFA History
Student membership hits an all-time high with 700,170 members in 8,612 chapters