FFA History

By Zet
  • Smith Hughes Act 1917

    In 1917 Congress passed the National Vocational Act, the Smith Hughes Act. It created agriculture classes throughout the country.
  • FFA Club

    Early 1920's Virginia formed the first Future Farmers club for boys in agriculture classes.
  • First Livestock Contest

    First vocational agriculture students participated in National Livestock judging contests.
  • FFA Created

    1st National FFA Convention held in Kansas City, Missouri.
    - 33 delegates from 18 states where there.
  • Official Colors Adopted

    National blue and Corn gold adapted as official colors.
  • Creed Adopted

    The official FFA Creed adopted. Written by E.M. Tiffany.
  • Official Dress

    Blue corduroy jacket adopted as official dress
  • NFA Founded

    New Farmers of America founded in Tuskegee, Alabama. A group of African American boys.
  • 1st FFA Owned National Headquarters

    Land of 28.5 acres near Alexandria, Virginia. Part of George Washington's estate.
  • FFA Band

    First National Band performed at the National FFA Convention
  • NFA Merges

    NFA merges with FFA, increasing total membership by more than 50,000.
  • Female Members

    Females are able to hold office and participate in competitive events.
  • African-American National Officer

    Fred McClure, Texas, elected as National FFA Secretary
  • Female National Officer Elected

    Julie Smiley, Washington, elected as National FFA Vice President.
  • Reagan speaks & name change

    Ronald Reagan speaks at National FFA Convention via a prerecorded message. Future Farmers of America changes name to National FFA Organization to reflect growth in agriculture diversity.