FFA history

  • 1917-The National Vocalation Education act

    1917-The National Vocalation Education act
    The Smith Hughes Vocational
    Education Act-Smith & Hughes were both Georgia
    Congressman that established
    agriculture courses.
  • 1925

    Virginia Tech Ag Teachers ,Henry Groseclose,Harry Sander,.Edmund C. Magill,Walter S. Newman.Discussed an organization involving
    agriculture for boys Future Farmers of Virginia served as
    the model for the Future Farmers of
  • 1928

    -Future Farmers of America
    Established in Kansas City, MO -First National Convention in Kansas
    City, Mo -33 Delegates, 18 states -Leslie Applegate of New Jersey was
    elected to be the first National FFA
  • 1929

    -Official Colors established -National Blue and Corn Gold -First National chapter contest
    launched and sponsored by the Farm
    Journal -First Official FFA Manual of the
    organization was written
  • 1930

    -Official FFa Creed adopted -Written by E.M. Tiffany -First Official Dress uniform was
    adopted.. -Dark blue shirt -Blue or white pants -Blue cap -Yellow tie -Delegates restrict membership to
    boys only -First official FFA Manual was printed
    with a grant from the Farm Journal
    Press if Philadelphia, PA
  • 1933

    Blue Corduroy jacket is
    adopted as Official
  • 1935

    -New Farmers of
    America established -Organization of
    African American
    young men -Active FFA membership
    exceeded 100,000
  • 1939

    First FFA owned
    National headquarters
    land purchased
  • 1944

    -Future Farmers of America
    Foundation is formed in Washington
    D.C. -138,548 FFA members served in
    World War II -First National FFA Agriculture
    Proficiency Awards
  • 1947

    -First national FFA Band performance
    at National FFA Convention -FFA Weed established during the
    week of George Washington’s B-Day
  • 1948

    -First National FFA
    chorus performance -First National FFA talent
    contest at convention -Record jump in
    membership from
    238,269 in 1947 to
  • 1950

    President Harry Truman
    granted a Federal
    Charter to FFA