Smith Hughes Act
Named after a senator from Georgia.
Provided federal funding for Vocational Agriculture in public high schools. -
Future Farmer clubs
Virginia was the first.
Boys only. -
Future farmers of America
The first convention as held in the hotel Baltimore in Kansas City, Missouri .
The first dues were 10 cents. -
Future farmers of America
National blue and corn gold are adopted as the official colors of the FFA -
FFA history
FFA creed was written by E.M Tiffany and adopted. -
FFA history
Blue corduroy jackets are adopted as official dress. -
FFA history
New farmers of America formed.
For African Americans students studying agriculture. -
FFA history
National FFA was formed to use funds from industry to support FFA -
FFA history
Public law 740, gave the FFA a federal charter, the law said that each school teaching agriculture must have a FFA program. -
FFA history
FFA & NFA merge.