Smith Hugues Act
-Named after a senator from Gerrgia.
-Provided federal funding for Vocational Agricultural in public high schools. -
Future Famers Clubs
-Virginia was the first
-Boys only
-North Carolina
*Young Tar Heel Frmers -
Future Framers Of America
-FFA was established
* The 1st convention was held in the Hotel Baltimore in Kansas City, Missouri
* The first dues were 10 cents
* Current chapter dues are $10.00 -
FFA History
- FFA Creed is written by E.M. Tiffany
FFA History
- New Farmers of America (NFA) formed
- For black students studying agriculture
New Farmers of America
-organization for African-American males in high school agricultural classes.
- Colors were black and gold
- Found mostly in southern states
* Public Law 740
-Gave the FFA a federal charter
- The law said that each school teaching arriculture must have an FFA program
-Revised in 1998
* Currently public Law 105-225 -
FFA History- Public Law 740
- Created 3 integral components to an agricultural education program
- Classroom/ Lab Instruction
- SAE (supervised Agriculture Experience programs)
FFA History
- FFA and the NFA merge
FFA History
- Girls were admitted into the FFA
FFA History
- National FFA Alumni Association was founded
- Founded for supporters of FFA, not necessarily former members
FFA History
- National FFA Center moves to Inianapolis, Indiana
FFA HIstory
- The National FFA Convention moves to Inianapolis, Indiana