Feudal Japan

By mmxyxmm
  • Period: 300 to May 4, 710

    Yamato Period

  • 538

    Buddhism Is Introduced

    Buddhism Is Introduced
    Buddhism is first introducd to Japan by a delegate from Korea.
  • May 4, 600

    First Mission To China

    First Mission To China
    Current ruler of Japan, Prince Shotoku sends Japanese man Ono No Imoko to China for the first time (as an official mission). He is sent with a note that says ' The Emperor of the country where the sun rises greets the Emperor of the country where the sun sets.'. Later, Japanese scholars visit China to study ther culture and religion.
  • May 4, 605

    Official Religions Are Declared

    Official Religions Are Declared
    Prince Shotoku declares that Buddhism and Confucianism are the official religions of Japan.
  • May 4, 607

    First Buddhist Temple

    First Buddhist Temple
    Prince Shotoku build the first Buddhist temple in Japan. It is called Horyuji and is located in the Asuka Valley.
  • Apr 8, 622

    Death of Prince Shotoku

    Death of Prince Shotoku
    Prince Shotoku dies and is later succeeded by Kotoku Tenno.
  • Aug 27, 633

    Battle of Hakusukinoe

    Battle of Hakusukinoe
    Japanese forces aided Paekche under Yamato's rule but were difeated by the Chinese Tang dynasty and the Silla.
  • May 4, 710

    Japanese Capital Moves to Nara.

    Japanese Capital Moves to Nara.
    The Japanese capital is moved from Asuka to Nara.
  • Period: May 4, 710 to May 4, 794

    Nara Period

  • May 4, 784

    Capital Moved To Nagaoka

    Capital Moved To Nagaoka
    Emperor Shomu moves the capital from Nara to Nagaoka.
  • May 4, 794

    Kyoto Becomes Capital

    Kyoto Becomes Capital
    Emperor Kammu moves the capital to Kyoto.
  • Period: May 4, 794 to May 4, 1185

    Heian Period

  • May 4, 1050

    Rise Of Samurai

    Rise Of Samurai
    The military begins to take control as poverty and food shortages begin to occur.
  • Apr 24, 1185

    Battle at Danoura

    Battle at Danoura
    Yoshitsune Minamoto's fleet beats imperial fleet. It occured at the south of Honshu. It was a major sea battle.
  • Period: May 4, 1185 to May 4, 1333

    Kamakura Period

  • May 4, 1274

    Mongols Invade

    Mongols Invade
    The Mongols attempted to invade Japan but were held back by a typhoon.
  • May 27, 1293

    Major Earthquake

    Major Earthquake
    23,034 people die in a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. the earthquake is followed by a tsunami.
  • Period: May 4, 1333 to May 4, 1568

    Muramachi Period

  • May 4, 1549

    First French Missionary

    First French Missionary
    A French misisonary named Francis Xavier arrives in Japan.
  • Period: May 4, 1568 to

    Azuchi-Monoyama Period

  • Dec 24, 1573

    Nobunaga Overthrows Muromachi

    Nobunaga Overthrows Muromachi
    Nobunaga gains attention from emepror Yoshiaki and goes on tos erve the muromachi bakufu. However, he ended up killing them and changing Japan's religious government to a secular government. He earned a reputtion as a ruthless leader/
  • Dec 24, 1575

    Battle Of Nagashino

    Battle Of Nagashino
    Oda Nobunaga defeats Takeda Katsuyori in battle. Oda has 38,000 men and Takeda has 12,000. He has help from Tokugawa.
  • Osaka Castle Is Built

    Osaka Castle Is Built
    Toyotomi Hideyoshi builds the Osaka castle and bases it on Oda's Azuchi castle. It is finished in 1597, the year Hideyoshi dies and the castle is passed onto his son.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Period

  • Tokugawa Ieyasu Dies

    Tokugawa Ieyasu Dies
    The first Tokugawa dies and passes his power on to his sons.
  • Edo Grows

    Edo Grows
    Edo reaches a population of 1 million.
  • Commercial Relations Denied

    Commercial Relations Denied
    Both French and British people travel to Japan and request to have a commercial relation. They are both denied.
  • Port Opens To The US

    Port Opens To The US
    The Kanagawa treaty allows US ships to enter Japanese ports