Feudal Japan

  • Period: 710 to 784

    Nara 710-784

    During this time the imperial government was located in Nara, which was known back then as Heijokyo. The current monarch was empress Kōken. Her rule ended after her death beginning the Heian period.
  • Period: 794 to 1156

    Heian 794-1156

    Under the rule of Emperor Kanmu, capital at the time was Kyoto, which was known as Heian-Kyō. It fell due to rivalling warlords taking control of the government and turning Japan into a shogunate.
  • Period: 1185 to 1338

    Kamakura 1185-1338

    1185-1333, Minamoto Yoritomo establishes Kamakura Shogunate after the victory in the Genpei War.
  • Period: 1336 to 1573

    Muromachi 1336-1573

    Under the rule of the Muromachi or Ashikaga Shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshiteru in power until 1565 when he was assassinated by the daimyo Oda Nobunaga (Also known as the great unfiier of Japan).
  • Period: 1574 to

    Azuchi Momoyama 1574-1600

    Age of unification under the great unifier Oda Nobunaga. His successor Toyotomi Hideyoshi brings all the provinces under control. An attempt at nation-wide peace.
  • Period: to

    Edo 1603-1867

    Under the rule of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Final period of traditional Japan, mostly peaceful. It began after Tokugawa defeated Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1600 at the battle of Sekigahara.
  • Period: to

    Meiji Restoration Era

    End of Feudalism in Japan, capital is moved to Tokyo.