
Feudal Japan Timeline

  • May 4, 701

    Taiho Code

    Taiho Code
    The taiho code, a type administrative and penal law was introduced.
  • Period: May 4, 710 to May 4, 794

    Nara Period

  • Dec 24, 759


    Manyoshu, "Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves" was a series of poems from 759 and onward. No one knows the details of how it was created.
  • May 4, 794

    Nara to Kyoto

    Nara to Kyoto
    Tcapital of Japan changed from Nara to Kyoto in 794. THis happened as the japanese people thought that the capital should be where the emperor is.
  • Period: May 4, 794 to May 4, 1185

    Heian Period

  • Dec 24, 842

    The Jowa Incident

    The Jowa Incident
    The Jowa incident was a succession issue. It was when Emperor Montoku, took the role of crown prince. By doing so, he removed Prince Tsunesada and some of his allies from power.
  • May 4, 930

    Fujiwara Family

    Fujiwara Family
    The Fujiwara family had a different aspect. Instead of millitary it was diplomatic power.
  • Dec 24, 1016

    Fujiwara Rule Peak

    Fujiwara Rule Peak
    The rule of the clan reached its most important days with the current leader, Fujiwara-no-Michinaga
  • Period: May 4, 1185 to May 4, 1333

    Kamakura Period

  • Dec 24, 1185

    Battle of Dannoura

    Battle of Dannoura
    Emperor, Minamoto Yoritomo triumphed in the Battle of Dannoura against rival family, Taira.
  • May 4, 1192

    First Shogun Emperor

    First Shogun Emperor
    Minamoto Yoritomo was given the title Shogun and led the government which became known as Shoganate.
  • Dec 24, 1199

    Minamoto no Yoritomo's death

    Minamoto no Yoritomo's death
    It was time for the first Shogun to move on... by falling off a horse.
  • Period: May 4, 1333 to May 4, 1568

    Muromachi Period

  • Dec 24, 1333

    End of Kamakura

    End of Kamakura
    By 1333 the power of the Hojo regents had declined so much that the new emperor Go-Daigo was forced to take charge and overthrow the Kamakura Bakufu.
  • Dec 24, 1336

    Ashikaga Rule Begins

    Ashikaga Rule Begins
    The ashikaga shoguns come to power. They were a feudal samurai government.
  • Dec 24, 1474

    The Silver Pavilion

    The Silver Pavilion
    The silver pavilion was built as a shogunal retreat. A few years later came the golden pavilion
  • Dec 24, 1476

    Onin War

    Onin War
    A succession problem led to the onin war, bringing a century of military struggle, known as “the age of the country at war”.
  • Period: May 4, 1568 to

    Azuci-Monoyama Period

  • Dec 24, 1568

    Oda Nobunaga

    Oda Nobunaga
    New emperor Oda Nobunaga comes to power with Toyotomi Hideyoshi as his second in command.
  • Dec 24, 1579

    New Architechture

    New Architechture
    A new castle, Azuchi, was built by Oda Nobunaga
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi
    The death of Oda Nobunaga brings his commander, Toyotomi Hideyoshi to power.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Period

  • Travel Ban

    Travel Ban
    From 1633 onward, all Japanese people were not allowed to travel in or out of Japan
  • Economy Expands

    Economy Expands
    The agricultural production expanded, encouraging economical growth.
  • Last Shogun

    Last Shogun
    The last shogun emperor, Hitosubashi Keiki was overthrown.