Jan 1, 1192
Yorimoto Becomes Shogun.
On this day in 1192, Yorimoto became Shogun. He ruled from 1192 until 1199.
Yorimotmo became shogun after battling and winning over the Taira clan. -
Jan 1, 1542
First Portigese traders arrive in Japan.
Blown off course during a storm, Portugese traders shipped wrecked near Tangeshima island off the sothern coast of Japan. -
Jun 16, 1543
Europen arrival in Japan
The Europeans found Japan by accident. In 1542, two Portuguese sailors were shipwrecked and washed up on the shores of Tangeshima island on the sothern coast of Japan. -
Japan closes door to the west
In 1612, Japan closed their doors to the west. -
Period: to Jan 1, 1185
Beggining of Hiean perid
The Hiean peroid was a great peroid in modern Japanese history,in which an unprecedented peace and security passed over the land under the powerful rule of the Heian dynasty.