Baby flower

Fetal Development Timeline

  • Week 4

    Week 4
    The ball of cells is splitting into the embryo (your future child) and placenta. Baby's neural tube, the building block of his spine, brain and backbone, is already formed. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming into protective cushioning for your baby.
  • Week 7

    Week 7
    She's generating about one hundred new brain cells each minute! Not only is her brain becoming more complex, but her heart is too! Her arm and leg joints are now forming. Also important: She's developing a permanent set of kidneys
  • Week 9

    Week 9
    This is a milestone. She's no longer an embryo -- now she's a fetus! She's developing more distinct facial features. And she might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.
  • Week 11

    Week 11
    You can't see it, but she's moving fluidly and gracefully in there. Her skin is see-through, but she's on her way to looking more like a baby. Her fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore.Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming.
  • Week 18

    Week 18
    Can you believe she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing? And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and she's big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!
  • Week 23

    Week 23
    She's forming little nipples (yeah, really!) Her face is fully formed now -- she just needs a little extra fat to fill it out. She's listening to your voice and your heartbeat -- and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.
  • Week 27

    Week 27
    She's practicing inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs. It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex.
  • Week 31

    Week 31
    He's going through major brain and nerve development.Eye development, too. His irises now react to light! All five of his senses are in working order
  • Week 36

    Week 36
    She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own.Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid.Her liver and kidneys are in working order.Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.
  • Week 40

    Week 40
    He's continuing to grow hair and nails.And he's keeping up that lung development, too.