Feste life timeline

  • Born in Ashville, North Carolina

    2 sisters, 2 dogs
  • Period: to

    Feste life timeline

  • first Christmas

  • First birthday

  • started school

  • started playing soccer

  • Met most of my friends

  • Tenth birthday

  • Grandpa died

    sometime in October, my grandpa died from cancer.
  • Had to put down one of my dogs

    Saffron, one of my childhood dogs had to be put down, due to a lot of pain everywhere in her body
  • 2 new puppy's!

    The day after saffron died, we got two new puppy's, helping negate the sadness.
  • Had to put down one of my other dogs

    Miko, a 12 year old childhood dog of mine had to be put down due to his stomach inflating to very unhealthy levels.
  • First days of being a teenager

  • Moved to a new house

  • Started 8th grade