Period: 3500 BCE to 2004 BCE
Used irrigation and the plow for farming;
developed cuneiform; formed govern
ments; created tools and weapons with
bronze; Sumerian city of Uruk was the
world's first city. -
Period: 2334 BCE to 2193 BCE
Sargon formed the world's first empire -
Period: 1900 BCE to 1600 BCE
Old Babylonians
Formed a system of laws and government under Hammurabi -
Period: 934 BCE to 612 BCE
Built a strong military state; Assyrian ruler Ashurbanipal built the city of Nineveh. -
Period: 626 BCE to 539 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar II expanded Babylonia to the borders of Egypt; also restored Babylon by erecting a stone bridge across the Euphrates River and building the Hanging Gardens. -
Period: 539 BCE to 331 BCE
Cyrus expanded the empire to Asia Minor, Ionia, India, and Babylon; Cambyses and Darius later expanded the empire more.