singing schools
Rev. Thomas Walter of Roxbury, MA complained that church congregations sang horribly which sparked singing schools -
Lowell Mason
Convinced Board of Education to put music in public schools -
D.L. Elder
Taught instrumental and music theory privately and in schools i Knoxville, TN -
Leipzig Conservatory opened
lead by Mendehlssohn -
Period: to
James and Joseph Howell
taught and sold musical instruments in Cotton Plant, AR -
Lewis A. Benjamin Sr
began a music academy -
Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
assembled a grand national concert honoring the new elected Governor of LA -
Period: to
Patrick GIlomore's band
toured US -
Grand Tournament and Musical Jubilee
Period: to
The Benjamin family
Hosted the Benjamin's Children's Carnival -
Frank T. Benjamin
opened free violin schools in Philadelphia and Camden -
Frank Damrosch
Organized the Musical Art society of New York -
The Murdock Company in England
Began teaching violin in schools -
F. Melius Christiansen
formed a choir of students and faculty from St. Olaf -
Albert Mitchell
a music supervisor in Boston schools traveled to England to study music teaching methods -
Westminster Choir
directed by John Finley Williamson -
World War I
Walter Damrosch
Started a military band -
John W. wainwright
started teaching in a high school in Fostoria, OH -
School Bands started to emerge
school bands became an official part of the school schedule
John W. wainwright
Elected president of the Ohio High School Band Association -
Music Supervisors National Conference
National Advisory Committee
Congress funded the committee because of the country's educational crises -
Norman Dello Joio
Thought to partner composers with music teachers -
Sputnik I
soviet union launched sputnik satellite Vice Admiral Hyman G. Rickover called for an education reform -
Period: to
Young Composers Project
Composers were paid $5,000 a year to write songs for schools -
Decline in Education
The Ford Foundation
awarded $1,380,00 to the contemporary music project for workshops and pilot programs -
schools cut costs for electives including music
Ronald Reagan's committee on Arts and Humanities
Period: to
The Imagination Conversation Project
business owners, government officials, cultural leaders, advocated imagination as an integral part of life and work