Fennell Baker

  • Fort sumter

    it was a confederite victory. The generals were Robert Anderson and P.G,T, Beaurgrard. there were 0 casulties for both sides.
  • Period: to

    Cival War

  • First bull run

    The confederates were victorices. the generals were Ivin McDonall for the north and for the south it was P.G.T Beauregard.the casulties were 2896 for the north and for the south it was 1982.
  • Hampton Roads

    The battle was inconclisve.The generals were Louis M. Goldsbrought for the north and for the south it was Franklin Buchanan Catesby ap Roger Jones
  • Shiloh

    Shiloh April 6th, 1862 to April 7th. The Union side was victorious even though both sides lost a lot having 23,000 total casualties. General Johnston attacked Grant before more people could arrive. The battle was fought in the woods with both sides inexperienced. Johnston was hurt on the first afternoon. Both sides claimed victory but it was a win for Union. The Shiloh National Military Park was made to show respect for the battle.
  • Peninsula Campaign

    Peninsula Campaign
    May 31 to July 26 1862. Ended with Confederate win Union withdrawing. George McClellan replaced Winfield Scott as general for the Union. John Magruder, Joseph Johnston, Robert Lee as generals for Confederates. May 31, Johnston led Confederates to attack against two Federal south of the Chickahominy River. July 26 Lee attacked McClellan's right flank north of the Chickahominy having an army of 85,000.
  • Second Bull Run

    Second Bull Run
    August 28, to August 30, 1862. Confederate win. John Pope Union general, Robert E Lee Condederate general. Heavy casualties on both sides. Confederates having 9,000. Had good offensive against army twice the size of his own. September 5th, Lee launched a invasion of the North, crossing Potomac into western Maryland. McClellan united armys and headed northwest to block Lee's invasion.
  • antitem

    started september 17 1862. The battle was incocelive. the generals were greoge B. Mccellen for the north and
    Robert E. Lee for the south. The cusaltes for the north were 2,108 for the south was 1,546. There was no outcome because it was incoclisive.
  • fredricksburgh

    it was a confederice victory. The generals were Ambrose E. burnside and for the south it was Robert E. Lee. the casulties for the north were 1284 and for the south 608.
  • Chencellorsville

    The south was victorice. The generals were Joesph Hooker for the north and Robert E. Lee and stonewall Jakson for the south. The casulties for the north were 1,606 for the south 1,656.
  • Vicksburg

    May 18th 1863 to July 4th 1863.The battle ended with the Union winning. The Confederates were trapped inside the city while the Union tried to break into it. Union having General Ulysses S. Grant, Confederates with John C Pemberton. May 18 Grant arrived in the rear of Vicksburg, Pemberton's 30,000 troops were isolated. Pemberton surrendered the city on July 4.
  • gettysburgh

    it was a union victory. the generals were greoge G. Meade for the north and for the south it was Robert E. Lee. The causilties were 3155 for the north and for the south 4708.
  • Chickamauga

    The confideratice was victorices. The generals were William Rosecans for the north and for the south Braxton Bragg. The casulties were1657 for the north and for the south it was 2312.
  • gettysburgh address

    It was one of the most famous speaches in american history.
  • Wilderness

    Started on May 5th 1864 to May 7th 1864. The battle ended inconclusively. With 17,500 causilties for the Union and 10,500 for the Confederates. The Union had General Winfield Scott Hancock and with Confederates having Robert E. Lee, who attacked on the right flank of the nion line breaking threw 2 brigades, sending the soldiers back to the union headquaters with the reports of defeat. Since the battle was inconclusive there were no outcomes for political or military exept for lives lost.
  • Spotsylvania

    May 8th to May 21st. The unions general was Ulysses S. Grant who had 18,000 casualties, and confederates with Robert E Lee having 11,000 casualties. The battle came to an inconclusive end. Grant shifted his army to the left to find weak points in the Confederate line. A surprise attack on May 18 failed, then on May 19, the Confederates did a flank attack on the Union right at Harris Farm. General Lee had to maneuver his army between the enemy and the confederate capital. It had losses for both.
  • Petersburg Campaign

    Petersburg Campaign
    June 9, 1864, March 25, 1865. Union having General Ulysses S. Grant, Confederates having Robert E Lee. In battles that summer, Union loses were high, but, at end of August, Grant crossed Petersburg Weldon Railroad capturing Fort Harrison September 29. Southern railroads were broken down. The Confederates werent fed wekk making them exhaustion, and no animals almosted immobilized the troops. Confederates get driven back and surrenenders April 9th to Grant.
  • Moblie Bay

    Moblie Bay
    August 1864, the naval battle was a victory for Farragut in sealing the port off of Mobile from Confederate blockade runners. 1864, in Alabama, Moblie Bay was the most important Confederate port left on Gulf of Mexico. It was protected by Fort Morgan, the ironclad Tennessee, and mines known as the torpedoes in the passage to the bay. August 5, 1864 Farragut's navy sailed into Mobile Bay. The Union ship hit a mine and sank. The 23rd Fort Morgan surrendered.
  • Shermans March

    Shermans March
    September 2, to December 21, 1864. Confederates went west to attack the Unions supplies. General Thomas took 60,000 men to meet Confederates in Nashville, Sherman took 62,000 on offensive walk through Georgia to Savannah. 650 Confederate soldiers, Union 62 casualties. The Confederates raided farms and plantations, destroying, stealing, and killing. In April, the Confederacy surrendered and the war was over.
  • appomattax

    It started April 8 1865. It was a union victory. the generals were greoge Armstrong custer for the north and Reuben Lindsay walker for the south. cusaltes for the north was 200 and for the south was 500. the outcome was the north was one step closer to winning the war
  • Lincolns Assassination

    Lincolns Assassination
    John Booth, born in 1838, and others made a plan to kidnap the president and take him to the Confederate capital, Richmond. March 20, 1865, day of kidnapping Lincoln never showed. He was to go to a performance at Ford's Theatreon April 14. Booth planned on attending to hopefully kill the president and 2 successors to throw the US goverment in disarray. At 10:15 Booth killed the president and stabbed another person. Herold surrenderd and Booth was killed.