
Feminist Philosophies

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    Plato and Influence on Feminism

    Plato and Influence on Feminism
    This is really B.C. but apparently on timetoast time doesn't go back that far.
    He is again making the distinction between mind, or soul, and body. His claim is that the body is irrelevant to the nature of a person to be proficient in a profession, and thus concludes that a woman could be a philosopher as well as a man.
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    Socrates radically states that women should receive the same training (geometry, gymnastics, and music) as men in society.
    He supports women and argues that they should have active roles in the republic.
    “there is no practice of a city’s governors which belongs to a woman because she’s a woman, or to a man because he’s a man…but in all of them woman is weaker than man.” (455 c). [When talks about weaker: physical strength]
  • Dec 5, 1579

    Thomas Hobbes

    Fear is the defining element of the political theory of Thomas Hobbes.
    women are equal with men. Of course, we need to remember that this means that they have the equal ability to kill and be killed.
    women are equally as likely as men to have dominion over their children.
  • John Locke Philosophy

    women are not property, women still retain power over children in the absence of the father, women are capable of leaving the compact of marriage and finally that women are to be honored and respected by children.
  • First International Women's Conference in Paris

    First International Women's Conference in Paris
    Now the term feminism is used to describe the belief and advocacy of equal rights for women based on the idea of equality of the sexes.
  • Emma Goldman

    Emma Goldman
    Founder of the Anarcha-feminism believed that, "I demand the independence of woman, her right to support herself; to live for herself; to love whomever she pleases, or as many as she pleases. I demand freedom for both sexes, freedom of action, freedom in love and freedom in motherhood."
  • Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex

    Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex
    She gets her book the Second Sex published. As an existentialist, Beauvoir believed that existence precedes essence; hence one is not born a woman, but becomes one, and In the chapter "Woman: Myth and Reality" of The Second Sex, Beauvoir argued that men had made women the "Other" in society by application of a false aura of "mystery" around them.
  • Birth Control Approved

    the FDA announces its approval of Enovid as a birth control pill
  • Divorce Equality

    Women in California were given the right to divorce by choice too. Not only men decide if the couple are to divorce. Mutual desicision.
  • Sigmund Freud Gives a Lecture on: "Feminity"

    Sigmund Freud Gives a Lecture on: "Feminity"
    he masculine figure is active whereas the feminine is passive.
    2. Passivity is an actively constructed ideal for achieving femininity rather than being a default state.
    3. The different manner by which the boy-child and the girl-child undergoes the phallic phase (both the pre-Oedipal and Oedipal stages) and the differential outcome of each, with variations.
    And more primary points on: http://scandalousthoughts.wordpress.com/2010/02/18/some-notes-of-my-reading-on-freuds-femininity/