Feminism timeline

  • 1405

    Christine de Pizan

    Christine de Pizan
    First woman who dared to answer the misogynist arguments.
    She wrote as a women's rights advocate "The City of Ladies"
  • First wave of feminism

    First wave of feminism
    Emerging from the gender hierarchy, important activists are Lucretia Mott, Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Fundational work of feminism

    Fundational work of feminism
    Mmary Wollstonecraft wrote "Vindications of Women's Rights" where she advocated the individuality of women. She established modern feminism
  • Declaration of the rights of women and citizens

    Declaration of the rights of women and citizens
    Olimpia de Gouges writes the declaration of the rights of the woman and the citizen as an answer to the declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen because the citizenship of the women is not recognized
  • First convention about the womens rights

    First convention about the womens rights
    The first convention on women's rights in the United States is held on the basis of the Declaration of American Independence
  • third wave of feminism

    third wave of feminism
    appears in the U.S. declaration of Seneca Falls calling for the independence of women
  • International Commemoration of Women

    International Commemoration of Women
    March 8, where 146 women workers in the New York City textile factory were killed by a bomb fire that was thrown at them for not wanting to leave the confinement where they were protesting low wages and working conditions
  • Female Suffering in England

    Female Suffering in England
    After years of struggle, women can finally participate in political life
  • Rosie the Riveter

    Feminist icon of the United States
  • "the united nations is born"

    "the united nations is born"
    After what happened in the Second World War, the United Nations was formed, where in its charter it says "We the peoples...reaffirm faith...in the equal rights of women and men".
  • Federal Election Vote

    Federal Election Vote
    Mexican women vote for the first time in federal elections
  • the second sex

    the second sex
    Book written by the French philosopher Simone de Bouvoir where the feminist maxim of the time is explained "Woman is not born, she is made".
  • Second wave of feminism

    Second wave of feminism
    equality before the law
  • NOW

    betty friedan founds national Organization for women to promote women's access to public office
  • doctoral thesis on gender

    doctoral thesis on gender
    Kate Milliet wrote the book "The sexual politics", it was the first thesis on gender that was made in the world, it tried to combat prejudices
  • activists unite

    activists unite
    El primer año internacional de la mujer, el primer decenio de las naciones unidas para la mujer y la primer conferencia mundial sobre la mujer en méxico potencian el discurso mundial sobre los derechos de la mujer
  • queer theory

    queer theory
    Queer theory rejects the classification of individuals into universal and fixed categories such as male, female, heterosexual, homosexual etc. because it considers that they are subject to a culture where heterosexuality is mandatory.
  • fourth wave by trump?

    fourth wave by trump?
    In January more than 500,000 people marched in Washington to defend women's rights and equal rights for LGBT people. This march was called because of the sexist remarks made by U.S. President Donald Trump.
  • Feminism today

    Feminism today
    Today feminism continues, it has achieved several things and in spite of that it looks for more, the movement is still active and there are always representatives who fight for a free society.
    There are several people who support this movement, from actors, writers, philosophers, singers, etc.