Felipe III

  • Apr 14, 1578


    Felipe III was born
  • 1598

    On the death of his father, Felipe III becomes King of Spain and Portugal. He begins his reign in the year 1598 until his death.
  • 1598

    Kings Felipe III, Felipe IV, and Carlos II are known as the lesser Austrias. After his father dies, Felipe III becomes King of Spain and Portugal. He is considered one of the lesser Habsburgs due to the mismanagement of the government and its negative effects. With the arrival of the new monarch, the system of government changes.
  • 1598

    Felipe III began the practice of leaving the government of the nation at the hands of the valid. His reign produced a great change in the Spanish monarchy. He no longer ruled personally if not through his valid, the Duke of Lerma. Felipe III gave all the power of the state to his trusted friend while he was dedicated to hunting, art collecting and grand ceremonies.
  • 1599

    Felipe III married Margarita de Austria.
  • 1603

    Felipe III signed a series of peace treaties with France, England and Holland.
    The period of peace in the Spain of the Habsburgs that consisted of:
    -12-year truce with the Netherlands
    -Peace treaty with England
    -Peace treaty with France
  • 1609

    The expulsion of the Moors from the Hispanic Monarchy was ordered by King Felipe III between 1609 and 1613.
    In 1609 the expulsion of the Moors from Spain was decreed by:
    -The attitude of unconvinced Christians, in a state that defends Catholicism.
    -Its possible alliance with the Turks and Berbers who constantly attacked the coasts of the Levant.
    -Its unpopularity with the population.
    -The need for the State to control its wealth and values.
  • 1609

    The reign of Felipe III and the internal policy consisted of the era of the valid ones, the expulsion of the Moors.
    After these events, an economic crisis begins for the whole country and for Castile.
  • 1621

    Felipe III dies.