Feijoada brazilian black beans stew


  • 1560


    Slavery officially began in Brazil (date is not specified)
  • First Debut

    First Debut
    Feijoada first mentioned in Recife,Pernambuco (Advertisement published in No. 47 in Pernambuco’s Diary)
  • Another Debut

    Hôtel Théatre published diary for advertisement on menu
  • Meats for sale

    Meats for sale
    Recur newspaper puts up ad; “bacon for sale,suitable for Feijoada. 80 reis per pound”
  • Come all

    Come all
    Newspaper announced that a brand new restaurant that would serve Feijoada twice a week.
  • Cessation of slave imports

    Cessation of slave imports
    legal cessation of the importation of slaves from Africa
  • Freedom

    Slavery abolished in Brazil
  • Period: to


    Afro-Brazilian communities started to move and branch out to start their lives
  • Period: to


    new groups would form and would slowly make themselves familiar to the public
  • National Day to Combat Racism

    National Day to Combat Racism
    There was heavy discrimination of 4 Afro-Brazilian athletes and police killing of Nilton Lourenco. July 7th became national day to combat racism
  • Brazilian Constitution

    Brazilian Constitution
    constitution formed and racism was criminalized
  • Poroto

    Uruguayan Feijoada
  • Variations of Feijoada

    Variations of Feijoada
    Portuguese Feijoada
  • Angolan Feijoada

    Angolan Feijoada